Teacher Work

Celebrating The Process

Should we tell you we don’t care about the finished product? We have a Monday afternoon enrichment option here in in our Nido called “Maker Monday.” PreK Students who choose to stay after lunch on Mondays can participate in making activities. As a new Maker educator with our lab space […]

3D Letter Boxes

A combined K-1 class Making Experience P E R S P E C T I V E This is the focus word for our combined K-1 classroom this year. What a great word to choose for this first year of piloting a combined learning model. Everything depends on the perspective […]

Cow Slices

I wanted to introduce staff to what a Fablab is and what some of the machines can do so I decided to provide them with a little laser cut icebreaker activity. How fast can you assemble a model cow from 2-Dimension to 3-Dimension? I chose to go with a cow […]